Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas

I spent Christmas night in Boston with some good friends from high school. I couldn't resist turning on the video option on my camera especially when the conversations started getting funny. Here are some pieces of conversations that I overheard. I'll make sure not to send my friend Kimon anything with a fucking Santa on it!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Fountain of Youth for your Pits

Its seems that I have been finding a lot of material to write about it my local Duane Reades lately.

The other day I noticed a new Dove product on the shelf: Pro-Age deoderant. With all of the anti-aging products on the market, how could we have all over looked our precious, delicate underarm skin?

As ridiculous as I think it is, I will probably buy it the next time I'm in the market for a tube. I am a sucker for packaging and I am tiring of Radiant Silk, Dove's last fancy marketing twist. I don't even like the maroon bottle but its different and I'll take anything to spice up my life at the moment. Does anyone lose here? Dove wins. Their marketing people win. But most of all, I win beautiful pits that will stay forever 29.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Duane Reade Clearance

Please, ladies and gents: when going to Duane Reade to buy condoms, don't go to the clearance section. It really is worth spending a few extra dollars for a box that hasn't gone past its expiration date.

I don't care if you pick up your holiday soap collection there but you should probably pass on the instant Indian dinners as well.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Drag Queen Wig Cotton Candy

Okay, just so you can get an idea of how big these Barton G. desserts were, take a look at this video. The end shows the gigantic cotton candy station on our neighbors' table. I wish I had gotten a shot of it when the sparklers were lit!

All That Jazz

My favorite karaoke bar in the world is "The Studio" at the Shelbourne Hotel on Miami Beach. The music is run by a vampirish, older man named Ronnie who works every night until about 6am. Here's a fantastic rendition of All That Jazz performed by my friend Lauren.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Flashdance Grouper

Now I remember why I'm a vegetarian. I've been experimenting with the whole pescatarian thing lately to expand my options for food as well as to up my protein intake. Well, a night at Barton G. in Miami and a dancing iFish was all it took to send me back to my non-fish-eating ways.

At first I was amused by the blinking, gyrating machine that accompanied my grouper. Then its pathetic flailing on the table reminded me that the lump in my bowl actually used to flip around itself.

I won't lie: it was tasty. But I felt obligated to eat the whole piece so that it wouldn't have died in vain. Oh boy! I am still a bit nauseated. I wish that I had just eaten the mashed potatoes below it which were more delicious yet less guilt-causing.

Anyway, I'm not saying I won't ever have a bowl of clam chowder when I visit New England but I am seriously going to think twice before ordering seafood in a restaurant notorious for large portions and obnoxious presentation.

If I ever go back to Barton G. it will just be for a cocktail and a dessert. Perhaps someone would want to join me for the $89 fondue fountain or the cotton candy tower that resembles a wig of a drag queen?

Mr. Clucky

We had the fortune to meet Mr. Clucky today, a friendly, rescued cock. This bird happily sat on our model's shoulder as well as ride off with his owner on the handlebars of his bicycle.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

8 Tacky Nights

Hannukah is over but the decorations are still up in Miami. Could this cheesy shell menorah be offensive to a religion or is it just troubling to my personal taste?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tough Life

Day Four in Miami

Friday, December 14, 2007


Life ain't so bad.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Perry Ferrell

I know this is going back a bit but I just wanted to share this short clip of Perry Ferrell's Satellite Party at the end of his show at Fashion Week in NYC this past fall.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Drunk Santas in New York City

Its that joyous time of year again when thousands of people take to the streets dressed up as Santa and get hammered. New York City's annual Santacon found me when I walked through Tompkins Square Park in the East Village today. One dirty, drunk Santa-man told me he was recruiting elves to work in his workshop (wink, wink) and asked if I was interested. I was in such a holiday spirit that I told him maybe next year! Check out this crappy video that I took while walking through the crowd. My favorite Santa might be the woman with the cigarette singing her version of Mickey: "Hey Santa, you're so fine! You're so fine, you blow my mind - hey SANTA!" I wanted to hold the camera on her longer but I was afraid she might kick the shit out of me. But that's why I love New York!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Don't Stop Believing

I should have posted a warning on the last entry, Live Tech Support. I didn't start fucking with the guy until halfway through so if you're short on time skip to the middle. To make up for it, here's something short and sweet!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Live Tech Support

I've been going crazy trying to send these files out to my client with this damn service that takes and eternity and sometimes freezes up. With these large files, it takes 4 or 5 hours to send something so you can understand my frustration when it stopped in the middle and I have to start the process all over again. I tried to rely on the company's live tech support but the second person I communicated with was just not that into helping me (or showing any personality for that matter). I am so sick of sitting here by my computer waiting for this process to finish so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask for a little company or entertainment. I tried to keep this tech support guy on for as long as possible but he seemed desperate to go. I finally let him since its now dinner time and I am only (at the time of writing this) 12% through uploading with 4:41 hrs to go.

Here is our dialogue from the 2 hours that I managed to keep him engaged:

Chat InformationWelcome to YouSendIt Support. A representative will be with you shortly.

Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'John K'

John K: Welcome to our live chat service.

John K: Hello. How may I assist you?

Francine Daveta: hi

John K: Hi

Francine Daveta: I have been uploading two files for a while now. the first went through and now the second (which is 1GB) seems to be stuck at 32%.

John K: If you are facing an issue while uploading the files, please hit reload in your browser several times. This way you can get directed to another server. Otherwise it boils down to the speed between you and our servers. Empty the browser cache and please make sure that you have disabled any firewall installed on your computer.

Francine Daveta: Hitting reload won't cancel out the current progress?

John K: It will cancel the current upload.

John K: I would also recommend you look at our desktop and plug-in applications at . Our desktop application is 25% faster then a web browser, and will resume the upload if the upload is interrupted. You can also upload folder directly through our desktop application YouSendIt Express. Zipping files and sending entire folders is currently available to paid subscribers on Windows only, Mac support coming soon.

John K: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

Francine Daveta: Am I having this problem because I am relying on wireless service? I had a similar problem earlier today with Safari. I need to get this out tonight and I don't want this to happen again halfway through.

John K: Francine, sorry we don't support wirless service.

Francine Daveta: I guess what I am asking is this interruption of service - could it be due to the service itself? Is this a YouSendIt problem or not?

Francine Daveta: I've been trying to send this all day and I am losing faith in this service - could you please help me?

John K: Francine, you are facing this problem as you are using wirless service and we don't support on it

John K: Are you still with me?

Francine Daveta: I am only asking because you mentioned an interruption. As far as I know the only problem I have been having today is with YouSendIt. I have not had any problems with my internet service.

John K: YouSendIt has several gigabit connections, so, your upload/download speed depends on how much available bandwidth you have, who your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is, the routing between your ISP and our servers, how busy our servers are, etc. In any case, you should expect it to take several hours for large files.

Francine Daveta: I have started to upload the file again starting with the 1 GB file this time.

John K: Okay

Francine Daveta: Right now its 3% complete.

Francine Daveta: You still there?

John K: Yes, I am with you.

Francine Daveta: Its still only at 3%, does that mean its taking too long? I'm wondering what's up with YouSendIt?

John K: Check out . We are in San Jose, Virginia, Atlanta, and Frankfurt, Germany.

Francine Daveta: Where are you right now?

John K: You can choose any of the locations'

Francine Daveta: I know, I'm loading it up. I was just wondering where you were, physically. I'm in New York, but I guess you can probably already see that from my profile. Where are you?

John K: We are in Cambell, CA.

Francine Daveta: Oh cool. I bet its a lot warmer there than it is here. What's the weather like? Oh, wait, somethings happening.

John K: Its pleasant over here.

Francine Daveta: Okay, I did a speedtest but I don't know what the results mean. I have some friends in LA & San Fran - is Cambell anywhere near there?

John K: Can you please provide me the results of speedtest?

John K: We have not heard from you. Do you wish to continue the chat?

Francine Daveta: yes, just trying to read this

John K: We are terminating the chat since we have not heard from you.

Francine Daveta: im here!!!

John K: Okay

John K: Not a problem

John K: Is the progress working for the file?

Francine Daveta: Okay, does this make any sense: 1322 kb/s, upload 209 kb/s, Pings 1057ms, Distance <50mi.

John K: What type of Internet connection you are using?

Francine Daveta: Roadrunner

John K: I mean to say its a Cable or DSL?

Francine Daveta: Oh, its cable. Did you know that there is a song about Cambell, CA?

John K: According to your speed it will take approx 2 hours to upload the file.

John K: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

Francine Daveta: Well, its is stuck at 3% again so I had to refresh again.

John K: I suggest you to use our desktop application.

Francine Daveta: I just did it now and it says 0% complete and estimated 4:58 minutes left.

John K: I would recommend you look at our desktop and plug-in applications at . Our desktop application is 25% faster then a web browser, and will resume the upload if the upload is interrupted. You can also upload folder directly through our desktop application YouSendIt Express. Zipping files and sending entire folders is currently available to paid subscribers on Windows only, Mac support coming soon.

Francine Daveta: The song goes:

Francine Daveta: Well the light from the alleys brings warmth to the night We're meager disciples they gather in rite It's time for the indignant paupers to speak This town belongs to me The gravel lines archways The perilous streets were desperate deeds Find buyers in heaps God bless the concrete and chaos it keeps This town belongs to me The wind from the ocean it whistles in trees My mouth stagnated by the cold that is brings The end of the world is closer than it seems This town belongs to me.

Francine Daveta: Cute song.

Francine Daveta: Its at 1% now.

John K: Try to download it and then try to upload the file through YousendIt Express.

John K: As I said it takes more time to upload big files

John K: Is there anything else I may assist you with?

Francine Daveta: I know that. That's fine but its not fine when it stops after 2 hours of loading and I have to start all over.

John K: Therefore, I am suggesting to use our Desktop application. Our desktop application is 25% faster then a web browser, and will resume the upload if the upload is interrupted.

Francine Daveta: I tried to download this YouSendIt Express and it says its not available for Macs at this time.

John K: It is use the beta version for mac

Francine Daveta: oh okay - let me look for that - I didn't see it.

John K: Visit this URL

John K:

Francine Daveta: okay, I'm doing that now....

John K: Please try it on YouSendIt Express and if you face any issue please contact us back

Francine Daveta: Okay, its downloading. The song is by Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards in case you were interested. I found all of this out online while I was impatiently waiting for my files to upload.

John K: Oh I see

Francine Daveta: Cool, right? Its up to 2% now.

Francine Daveta: 3%!!!!

John K: Great! so it means it uploading

Francine Daveta: Yeah but 3% is where it got stuck last time. And it says it has 5:10 hrs to go...

John K: Wait for sometime as it will take some time as you are using a cable connection and are trying to upload a file of 1 GB.

Francine Daveta: Is there a better connection? DSL? I've heard that DSL is slower than cable though.

John K: Francine, DSL is much faster than Cable.

Francine Daveta: Really, so my ex-boyfriend is an idiot then?

Francine Daveta: 4%!!!!

John K: I am sorry, I can't comment.

John K: so its means its working now for you.

Francine Daveta: Oh, go ahead and comment! I'd enjoy the comment.

John K: Read this link

John K:

John K: It will give you an idea about the comparison between DSL and a Cable Service.

John K: Is there anything else I may assist you with regarding YouSendIt service?

Francine Daveta: Interesting.

Francine Daveta: I think I get it now. But I am skeptical of this guy who wrote the article. He has a mullet, you realize. One thing I can say about my boyfriend is that he at least had really nice hair.

John K: Thanks for chatting with us. We value your feedback, please click the "Close" button on the top right of the chat window to access our brief survey.

Francine Daveta: 5% so far but I'm not convinced.

Francine Daveta: It froze at 32% before!

John K: Francine, you are suing web application or YouSendIt Express?

Francine Daveta: I won't sue anyone if I can get this file to go through.

John K: Sorry Typo error

John K: its using

Francine Daveta: Oh, I am still trying FireFox but I downloaded the Express app in case this doesn't work.

John K: okay

Francine Daveta: Its at 7% now but it says its got 4:58 hrs to go - that's practically midnight in NY! The person expecting these files will be out of the office by then. Will you still be in yours?

John K: We are here till 6 PM PST

Francine Daveta: Okay, so 9pm my time. That's another 2 hours and 15 minutes.

John K: Francine, I suggest wait for some time if you face any issue please contact us back.

Francine Daveta: Any last words of advice, John K.?

Francine Daveta: I called my client and told him not to wait for the files tonight.

John K: YouSendIt Express application.

John K: okay

John K: Thanks for chatting with us. We value your feedback, please click the "Close" button on the top right of the chat window to access our brief survey.

Francine Daveta: Okay, thanks. I was hoping for something a little more inspirational but I'll give that a try.

John K: Thanks for your understanding.

Chat InformationThanks for chatting with us. To receive a transcript of this chat, or give us your feedback, please click the "Close" button on the top right of the chat window.

White Girl With a Fat Ass

I have to share this new blogsite with you:

This girl is a friend of mine and she is determined to simultaneously lose weight and raise money for Hunger Relief! She's funny as hell and vows to post a picture on the site of her bare ass next year (big 0r small)!

I really admire her ballsy attitude and willingness to take what could be a bad situation and turn it into something really positive.

Check out here site and help her out if you can!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


A friend of mine who recently found my blog through Google (I wouldn't tell him where it was) criticized me for not posting entries everyday. He said, "Isn't that the point of blogging, to do it everyday?"

Yes, well in an ideal world that would be the case but I have a job and a life that sometimes gets in the way of my online time-waster. So sorry. Here's an entry to make up for it - a picture I took of this friend at Pyramid on Friday night.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gorgeous Global Warming

Thanksgiving was spent at a restaurant that served marshmallows on their sweet potatoes and a wine list an hour too late to be very useful. Its nice to not have a kitchen cleanup but I didn't count on not having leftovers to eat for dinner.
I've gotten used to having anything I want at just a phone call away in New York and now, in New England, with everything but movie theaters closed down for miles around, my stomach is starting to grumble.
On the bright side, autumn came late this year and the foliage is still hanging onto the trees. I don't think I've ever come home for Thanksgiving to see these beautiful, red Japanese Maple leaves still so bright and fresh. If I can get my hands on some pumpkin ice cream before this trip is over it will be worthwhile!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Believe it or not, I am actually mobile blogging right now. I am on Amtrak somewhere in Connecticut. I think I have officially crossed the line into Red Sox country because everyone suddenly got friendlier and louder.

I've been passing the time by catching up on magazines and I was struck by a woman's description of herself in NY Magazine's Look Book page. A really lovely looking redhead calls her own personal style 'disheveled aristocrat'. Now, I know they have brilliant editors at NY Mag but did this lady come up with this on the spot? I now have a new, irrational, neurotic fear that I will be stopped one day on the street to be photographed and interviewed but I won't know how to sum up my appearance in less than 10 syllables.

I've been brainstorming oxymorons and the best I have come up with so far is Sparkly Degenerate Yuppie. Sort of sums it up but I don't know if even Time Out New York would run that.


I am thankful for beer and butternut squash soup at Kabooz in Penn
Station. BTW, does anyone else find it odd that indoor restaurants have 'outdoor/sidewalk' seating?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Live from New York...

It's Saturday night!

Or it was... all night into Sunday morning when I actually got home. I suppose if I had gone home right after Saturday Night Live's live performance at the Upright Citizens Brigade I would actually have some pictures to share with you now. But, since I didn't get to sleep until 6am, I'm a little behind on my editing.

I know it sounds cheezy but I really feel like I was party of comedy history at last night's show where all of the cast members (except Maya Rudolph) of SNL were in attendance (including Horatio Sanz). Because of the writers strike and some layoffs at SNL, the cast put together this last minute show to support them. I got to witness Fred Armisen paste fake pubes to his bare ass backstage. Now tell me that's not an amazing thing to behold. I had kind of hoped to see Andy Samberg's ass but he kept his clothes on last night.

Yo La Tengo played two songs according to regular SNL format and Norah Jones showed up to sing "Iran Away" with Samberg. Amy Poehler and Seth Meyers performed at a tiny prop desk with a hand written sign that read "The Weekend Update". At 1am Kenan Thompson came out to announce the opening of "Live at The Apollo" which normally airs immediately after SNL. Poehler came out to apologize that they were running over and that they just needed a few more minutes to finish their sketches.

All of the sketches were previously written and most had not been aired before because the were considered too offensive for TV. Host, Michael Cera, was given an opening monologue written for Donald Trump until he put the kibosh on it and read a Paris Hilton script instead - THAT'S HOT! Robert Smigel put together a racially charged video about airline passengers that was HYSTERICAL! Please check back here later for more info - I'll be posting some images later.

The show's ending led into a big afterparty where drinking and dancing ensued. Rachel Dratch who had performed as her character, Debbie Downer, ripped up the dance floor along with Kristen Wiig, Samberg and John Krasinski of The Office.

So much more to tell, but first its time for some more coffee...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So my drummer boyfriend recently moved out of the apartment and into a new living arrangement about 4 blocks away from me. I guess that's all the space I am going to be getting for right now. He is now living with a good friend of his and HIS friend, the drummer for Albert Hammond Jr.'s band.

What I recently found out is that, this fella has been living at the Strokes drummer, Fabrizio Moretti's, pad for sometime now. Apparently, when Fab was dating Drew Barrymore he spent most of his time at her place so he could rent out his apartment to the AHJr drummer. Since the place is big enough for two, they were both living there for a while, from what I'm told. But, of course, eventually he wanted to find his own place.

What I find interesting about this is how all these circumstances create opportunities for all these drummers to move around. Had Drew Barrymore not broken up with Fab, my ex-boyfrend would probably still be living with me, looking for a 1-bedroom in Manhattan for $1200 (which doesn't exist) because his friend would have never started looking for places without the AHJr drummer.

I'm glad that my ex is living in a nice apartment with good people who share similar interests, like drumming. Frankly, I'd be worrying about him if he were alone all the time. But, in the end, there are two people alone in this situation. Me... and Fab.

FAB! Call me!!!


What is this new building going up on the Bowery? They were putting up a sign that says "Hell Yes!" in rainbow colors on it when I rode by on my bike (sorry for the bad camera phone shot). Remember when NYC used to be scary? This is scary in a whole different way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Free Puppies

I received a lot of attention while photographing a box on the street for my friend's film project. It must have been the red paint that stated, "Free Puppies" that caused all the commotion. Not only did I have men and women who were old and young, black and white, rich and poor come up to me but I nearly had a female dog owner berate me because she actually thought I was leaving a box full of puppies next to a park trash can.

I had to apologize to nearly a dozen people for not actually having free puppies to give away. Some I didn't even have to say I'm sorry to. I just grimaced and shook my head as I saw them approach the empty box. Two teenage girl ran after me when I just couldn't take it anymore and started walking back home with the box. They saw my camera and asked if I at least had some pictures to show them of the cute little puppies!

When I got home with the box I was so sad and I'm not sure if it was because I had just disappointed so many people in such a short amount of time or if it was because I truly did not have a box full of puppies.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Passive Aggressive Notes

How many of you have lived with roommates who constantly left passive-aggressive notes about household issues instead of facing the problems directly? I know I did and I even wrote a few of those notes! Well, my friend, Kerri, has a website dedicated to these notes and they are hysterical!

I submitted one of my own (received) Passive Aggressive Notes that may end up in her book that's coming out next year. Here it is! I love that its written on cute Chococat stationery!

Watch out former roommies!!!


So this whole blog thing is sort of an experiment for me. My boyfriend of 4 1/2 years recently moved out and I worry about losing myself to sadness. I've been keeping myself fairly busy which is always helpful and having a career that I am passionate about is life-saving.

But there are always those moments late at night when there's no one to call and nowhere to go on my own. Those are the moments that I worry might lead to depression and alcohol. I don't have a problem with the boozing but I want to keep it that way. Its far too easy to let that evening glass of wine turn into five and, if I'm by myself, too easy to cry myself to sleep.

So, since I seem to spend most of my time online anyway, I figured having a blog would be a healthier way of spending my quiet moments at home when I just can't concentrate on a book or something else probably more productive.

I am curious to see who reads this too. I mean, I know there are my friends who are essentially forced to read it by me sending links, but is there anyone else there who actually has the time and desire to look at what I post? This blog is sort of a mishmosh of my life, at least so far, so I can't imagine what type of interest I could raise but, again, this is an experiment. Perhaps my next blog will be more specific in content. For now, please bear with my random entries.

I am also fascinated with the whole concept of blogging - keeping an online journal of sorts - and how so many people have figured out a way to draw enough interest that they have made careers out of it. I don't ever plan on becoming a full-time blogger but I would love to incorporate blogging into my photography career. I am already working on a photoblog concept with another colleague.

Of course, I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who is interested!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Someone brought their pet hedgehog to a shoot the other day. They're cute but not so cuddly.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I love working on film sets. I worked on this shoot as a still photographer, guitarist and actress with my friend, Elizabeth. She cast some of the funniest, crazy people. I can't wait to see the final edit!

I'll be sure to post the edit here when they are released.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Glamour Women of the Year Awards

Oh, Stephen Colbert! There are only two men in the world that both my mother and I have had equal crushes over and one of them is Stephen Colbert. Neither of us will ever have him and sadly, Antonio Banderas is also married.

He made my night by introducing Nancy Pelosi at the Glamour Women of the Year awards ceremony tonight. It was somewhat of a shock since she recently told members of congress that they should NOT appear on the Colbert Report. Guess she still has a good sense of humor.

Mariah Carey opened the ceremony with a hot black dress and a rhinestone microphone, staggering in height over the African Children's Choir. Toni Morrison accepted a Lifetime Achievement and her presenter, Fran Leibowitz, was hysterical! Diane Sawyer presented to Donna Karan and looked amazing - I have no idea how old she is but she sure is looking good!

But for me, the most exciting part of the night was when I spotted Ben Affleck cornered by the elevators at Lincoln Center. The massive crush I had on him from the late 90's to early 00's came flooding back in a heartbeat. I felt equal guilt on crushing over a married man who came to support his wife, Jennifer Gardner, for being THE woman of the year. It seems as thought tonight all the good men were taken!

Phantom Wig Syndrome

I wore my black wig the other day, all day, for a commercial shoot that my friend produced. When I went out at night, I could still feel it on my head and it was a constant shock when I tried to touch it and it wasn't there. Is it possible for a costume item to become part of your psychological being?

My friend told me that this has happened with ancient tribes who wore masks that became part of them. Does anyone know what this is called?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Amy Winehouse costume

Somehow a FlickR picture of me dressed up as Amy Winehouse for Halloween ended up posted on Brooklyn Vegan:

The link was subsequently posted on The Guardian in the UK. How do people have time to search for these photos? How do you have time to be reading this blog? Why am I writing this?

Can someone please answer my questions?

Pumpkin Pancakes

November is the perfect time for pumpkin pancakes!

3/4 c skim milk
1 egg
1 tbsp butter (melted)
1 c flour (combination of white and whole wheat - your discretion)
1-2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
add nutmeg, cinnamon, ground cloves to your discretion (about 1/8 tps each?)
3/4 c canned pumpkin (or fresh, cooked if you prefer)

Mix milk, egg & butter in med bowl. Add remaining ingredients. Grease skillet with buttah! For med to large pancakes put 3 heaping tablespoons of batter in skillet and cook until bubbles form in the batter. Flip. Cook until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup.

Eat then go back to bed and sleep til 5pm or until your hangover is gone.

The original recipe was with frozen blueberries so I am sure you can experiment with different types of fruit.

First Night Alone

First night of being single again after 4 1/2 years.