Monday, December 17, 2007

Flashdance Grouper

Now I remember why I'm a vegetarian. I've been experimenting with the whole pescatarian thing lately to expand my options for food as well as to up my protein intake. Well, a night at Barton G. in Miami and a dancing iFish was all it took to send me back to my non-fish-eating ways.

At first I was amused by the blinking, gyrating machine that accompanied my grouper. Then its pathetic flailing on the table reminded me that the lump in my bowl actually used to flip around itself.

I won't lie: it was tasty. But I felt obligated to eat the whole piece so that it wouldn't have died in vain. Oh boy! I am still a bit nauseated. I wish that I had just eaten the mashed potatoes below it which were more delicious yet less guilt-causing.

Anyway, I'm not saying I won't ever have a bowl of clam chowder when I visit New England but I am seriously going to think twice before ordering seafood in a restaurant notorious for large portions and obnoxious presentation.

If I ever go back to Barton G. it will just be for a cocktail and a dessert. Perhaps someone would want to join me for the $89 fondue fountain or the cotton candy tower that resembles a wig of a drag queen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll eat the wig.