Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Robin Byrd

This is a photo taken of one of the best celebrity sightings I've ever had. I usually resist asking celebrities for photos while they are enjoying personal time but I couldn't help myself when I saw Robin Byrd with her dog in Central Park. She was so gracious!

She's helped me through many nights of boredom with her sexy cable-access show. Her strippers always have the best outfits! Rock on, Robin!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Price of a Slice

I remember when a slice of cheese pizza in New York City, unless it was of the gourmet variety, never exceeded $2.00. You could easily go into any Ray's and get yourself a meal or a snack for under $3.00. Now it seems that more and more places are raising their prices!

Here's the sign at the "new" Sal's on Avenue A. $2.50 for a regular slice? Outrageous! The Pizza Shop, where the old Sal's used to be, charges $2.25 a pop - this is more than a ride on the subway!

Pizza used to be a staple for me when I needed a good, filling, cheap meal on the run. Now, with prices exceeding even the regular taxi surcharge, I am going to rethink my meal plans. I understand, with the price of gas and everything going up that people need to make adjustments but can rent be going up so much that they can't have one low-end item on the menu? I mean, go ahead and charge $4.50 for your fancy, gorgonzola-basil-pine nut slice but keep a low-budget option available to the homeless, college kids and me.

Personally, I don't think that the price of a slice of NYC, plain, cheese pizza should every exceed the cost of a subway ride. I say we encourage Bloomberg to enforce these standards for us!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Facebook Withdrawal

Failing. Failing miserably...

I was fine until people started sending me messages via Facebook which then get forwarded to my email account. I had to sign on just to find their email addresses and then I get sucked in....

I did have a pretty awesome workout at the gym today though. Discovered lots of new machines hiding in the corner...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Facebook Addiction

Today at the gym I decided that I was going to give up Facebook. Not permanently, of course, but I felt that my compulsive status updating was becoming a problem that I needed to get a handle on. I figured if I couldn't stay away from Facebook until 5pm this Friday then I really do have a serious internet problem.

Of course, here I am sitting at my computer, blogging away. It's like morphine to ease the pain.

I thought it would be easy to avoid after a couple of hours but then I realized it was a friends birthday today... I thought. I wasn't sure if April 1st was really her birthday but I remember it being posted on Facebook. I could go on and check but I stopped myself. I ended up emailing her and asked if my birthday wishes were on time (which they were). On a side note, she is one of two people I know who were born on April Fool's Day - how unfortunate.

I was working today, editing at home. This can get tedious and boring at times so mid-afternoon was feeling pretty lonely in my little, home office. Emails were not being responded to and I wasn't getting the response text messages that I have been waiting for. Then, a friend wrote and asked if I was on Gmail chat. Wha? I had seen that little box in the corner of my screen but I never paid much attention to it. Wow, this could SAVE me! Within minutes I had 4 separate chats going with friends also bored or stressed with work!

Clearly, there are plenty of ways to waste time online. I had also decided to give up MySpace (which is not difficult because the userface SUCKS!), and Googling my own name. I wish there was a way to find out who is Googling my name because apparently various people have found pictures of me that I was not even aware of... scary. I would go and find these images myself but, again, I banned myself from doing this until Friday.

I was tempted a few times to go on Facebook again. I even typed in but immediately closed that window as I realized its power as a gateway social website.

Things were okay until now. I came home after a shoot to edit and I discovered that, like snacking, going on Facebook is particularly tempting late at night when you're tired. There's no one left on Gmail chat, everyone's gone to bed and I've even lost hope for that late-night, drunken text message.

So here I am, waiting for my images to process so I can burn them to disc, wishing for some entertainment other than another Friends rerun. I think I am going to have to have an extra long session at the gym tomorrow...