Monday, November 12, 2007


So this whole blog thing is sort of an experiment for me. My boyfriend of 4 1/2 years recently moved out and I worry about losing myself to sadness. I've been keeping myself fairly busy which is always helpful and having a career that I am passionate about is life-saving.

But there are always those moments late at night when there's no one to call and nowhere to go on my own. Those are the moments that I worry might lead to depression and alcohol. I don't have a problem with the boozing but I want to keep it that way. Its far too easy to let that evening glass of wine turn into five and, if I'm by myself, too easy to cry myself to sleep.

So, since I seem to spend most of my time online anyway, I figured having a blog would be a healthier way of spending my quiet moments at home when I just can't concentrate on a book or something else probably more productive.

I am curious to see who reads this too. I mean, I know there are my friends who are essentially forced to read it by me sending links, but is there anyone else there who actually has the time and desire to look at what I post? This blog is sort of a mishmosh of my life, at least so far, so I can't imagine what type of interest I could raise but, again, this is an experiment. Perhaps my next blog will be more specific in content. For now, please bear with my random entries.

I am also fascinated with the whole concept of blogging - keeping an online journal of sorts - and how so many people have figured out a way to draw enough interest that they have made careers out of it. I don't ever plan on becoming a full-time blogger but I would love to incorporate blogging into my photography career. I am already working on a photoblog concept with another colleague.

Of course, I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who is interested!

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