Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Free Puppies

I received a lot of attention while photographing a box on the street for my friend's film project. It must have been the red paint that stated, "Free Puppies" that caused all the commotion. Not only did I have men and women who were old and young, black and white, rich and poor come up to me but I nearly had a female dog owner berate me because she actually thought I was leaving a box full of puppies next to a park trash can.

I had to apologize to nearly a dozen people for not actually having free puppies to give away. Some I didn't even have to say I'm sorry to. I just grimaced and shook my head as I saw them approach the empty box. Two teenage girl ran after me when I just couldn't take it anymore and started walking back home with the box. They saw my camera and asked if I at least had some pictures to show them of the cute little puppies!

When I got home with the box I was so sad and I'm not sure if it was because I had just disappointed so many people in such a short amount of time or if it was because I truly did not have a box full of puppies.

1 comment:

Charbax said...

You should have put some puppies in there.