Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beer, Burgers and B$%@#$'s!

No amount of work, fun or minor celebrity sightings could keep me from staying up late on Valentine's Day watching reruns and munching on veggie sausages.

I started off the evening at the Helmsley Hotel to photograph the Anti-Valentine's Day Ball. The set up was cool: a celebrity-breakup-gossip-magazine themed bar, a paper shredder for pictures of your exes, take home voodoo dolls and an old school photo booth!

It would have been fun had it not been for the lame crowd: old men in suits making stupid photography jokes - go home to your wives, Lame-o's! It was so depressing (I realized after the fact) that after I bumped into Julia Allison in the bathroom, I ended up blurting out all my of past Valentine's Day misery stories to her. I mean, she probably gets it all the time being a dating columnist but all of a sudden, I became THAT PERSON. She was very friendly and and a good listener though!

I even told her about my plan, two years ago, to convince my then-boyfriend that V-Day is not just about doing girly things and spending money on flowers, candy & dinner. He was very "ANTI" everything and couldn't just suck it up for the sake of romance. I decided to take him out and give him every man's dream: a night of Beer, Burgers & B@%j#bs! I even threw in a jazz show which I knew he'd be into. It was great! He was happy, so impressed with his girl and ready to brag to his friends the next day. Job well done, Francine!

Except he didn't get the message. I thought that since 2006 was the year that I planned a big extravaganza that he would put a little thought or effort into something fun in 2007. I would have been fine with something we BOTH could enjoy like a rock show or a burlesque performance. But nothing was planned. So now I am single this year and bitter. Julia could relate.

The best V-day I've ever had was back in 2000. I went out with 3 of my best girlfriends for dinner at Patsy's and a night out drinking. We were each other's dates - it was Sex in the City before I even had cable! Girls are so much fun on V-day - somehow guys always seem to screw it up.

Back to V-Day 2008. We finally left after the open bar closed and we couldn't stick anymore pins into our voodoo-EX dolls. Off to a late night of editing and watching reruns of Sex in the City that I've seen a DOZEN times! I have cable now but not premium - its too damn expensive in this city! If I seen those Hampton party episodes one more time...

But the worst part of this evening was the food. I just couldn't stop eating! I should have started blogging hours ago to avoid it but I just didn't have the strength! I know its so cliche but I was feeding my ego and my loneliness with brie and fake Italian sausages. This is only because the dark chocolate had already disappeared. It was very unlike me - at the least the recent, responsible me. I guess its alright to do that every once in a while especially on a night like Valentine's Day.

Well, its way past my bedtime so I will bid you ado. But first let me say, I know that Valentine's Day is not about fancy gifts or dinners. Its not about flowers or burgers. Its about people showing that they love each other. It can involve material objects or not. I've learned recently that an extravagant night out in itself doesn't mean anything in the long run (but it IS nice if you have the means!)

1 comment:

JellyKean said...

That was a really good point, my friend in high school's birthday was Valentine's Day and I've always had a fondness for the holiday. Come on, it's winter sort of a wasteland of holidays. Who doesn't want some lovin' from sign other or friends or whatever. I had enough Chinese food to kill a trucker this Valentine's Day, so I hear you about the can't stop eating. Your BBB Valentine's sounds awesome. I've said it before but you are Hawt!